
Preventive maintenance of mezzanines floors and modular or removable mezzanines floor systems is essential to avoid accidents due to the deterioration and improper use of this type of equipment.

Intensive floor activity, environmental conditions, regulatory modifications and changes in the ownership of the asset demand a periodic inspection of the installation, in order to ensure its correct use, and to address any identified deficiencies through corrective maintenance.

In order to preserve the functional characteristics of the mezzanines floor systems over time, as well as to protect the environment and preserve the safety both of people and property, preventive maintenance tasks must be carried out according to the characteristics and nature of each installation. The implementation of a preventive (or predictive) maintenance programme, as opposed to corrective maintenance, is required to ensure that mezzanine floor installations are in an adequate condition for use, complying with the safety requirements of the regulations in force.

KEPLER provides a predictive maintenance service based on pre-planned actions (technical inspection and presentation of a technical report), in order to ensure that the mezzanine installation and its components meet always the established acceptable limits for the contracted level of control.

1. Basic maintenance level:

  • Visual inspection
  • Verification of conditions of use
  • Verification of bracing effectiveness
  • Health and safety compliance check
At least every 5 YEARS, and always when determined by the inspections included in the annual basic maintenance level, extended maintenance inspections shall be carried out, covering the following operations in addition to those described previously :

2. Extended maintenance level:

  • Verification of column verticality
  • Tightening check of bolted joints
El técnico inspector presenta al responsable de mantenimiento del cliente, un acta de inspección  donde se recogen las tareas realizadas durante la inspección. Antes de un mes, KEPLER entrega un informe técnico realizado por un Ingeniero Técnico Industrial debidamente colegiado, que está visado por el Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Bizkaia, y provisto de su correspondiente certificado de intervención profesional.

Metal structures

Our wide expertise and comprehensive knowledge of the metal structures industry allows us to always provide tailor-made solutions in close collaboration with technical experts. Furthermore, we advise our clients on regulatory issues and provide the required support when defending the technical feasibility of projects before public authorities.